Pewaukee 3 Bedroom Condo Sales Market Report 12/1/16 to 1/16/17

Pewaukee Condos For Sale, Pewaukee Real Estate Market Report 12/1/16 to 1/16/17, Kristin Johnston, Pewaukee Realtor

There are currently 3 3 bedroom condos listed in Pewaukee, WI. 2 of the 3 condo listings have accepted offers on them.
The condos are priced at $150,000, $152,000, and $414,900.
3 bedroom condos range in size from 1392 square feet to over 3300 square feet.
There are 0 pending 3 bedroom condo listings during this time frame.
In the Pewaukee,Wisconsin Real Estate market there were 2 expired condo listings during this time period.
During this time, 1 Pewaukee Condo with 3 bedrooms sold for $580,000.
There were no 3 bedroom condos that were withdrawn during this time period.