How do I buy a home in Pewaukee? What are the steps and things I need to do? These are very common questions for homebuyers. The very first think you need to do is contact me so I can help you through this process as your advocate and representative. I will help you find a lender if you do not already have one, so we can see how much house you can afford. The reason that is important, is because it can be quite heartbreaking to look at homes outside of your price range. You might fall in love with a home you are not qualified to buy. I want to show you only the homes that you are able to purchase.
The next step in the process is for us to review all of your search criterion. Before we meet, you may want to take a piece of paper and draw a line down the middle of the page. Then, add all of the features you want to have in your new home on the left side. On the right side of the paper, write down the things that you absolutely must have, and that you can not live without. For instance, if you have 4 children, you might say you must have 3 bathrooms. It is not negotiable, so that feature goes on the right side of the paper. You may also want to have a deck. But that is not something you absolutely must have. The deck goes on the left side of the page. Continue the list until you have a good idea of what we should be expecting to see in your dream home.
Here are some of the items you should bring with you when we meet at the office:
- Your list of features and must-haves
- Your I.D. ( per our REALTOR® safety policy)
- Any questions you have for me or on the home buying process
- A camera or smart phone to take photos of your favorite properties in Pewaukee or other towns in Waukesha and Milwaukee counties.
I will make appointments for us to go see the houses that best fit your criteria and your budget. This is a time consuming process. Many sellers request at least 24 hours before a showing can be scheduled. So, I need a little time so that I can arrange the appointments with the sellers and/ or their agents. I will do my best to get us into as many homes as possible, as quickly as possible.

Don't Forget...
Wether you are buying or selling a home or condo in the Pewaukee or Waukesha I am here to help you get through the hurdles to make this happen. This is a website I created for you to not only find your dream home here but also to discover the lifestyle of living in Pewaukee and Waukesha. The website has information on each of the styles of homes and neighborhoods. If you need any help in navigating my website, please contact me at 414-254-6647 or email and I will guide you through the website.

Kristin Johnston Licensed Real Estate Salesperson Wisconsin ~ RE/MAX Platinum, 2725 Hillside Dr Ste C, Delafield, WI 53018