You can reach me in the way that is best for you. However you like to communicate I will respect that. My phone number is available for you to call and if I am with a client or in a meeting I will return your call promptly. You can also text me. If you want to connect with me on Facebook or through Facebook messenger I do that as well. You can Tweet me or DM me on Twitter or Instagram. And if you like to use contact forms, there is one on this page for you to fill out and it will get delivered to me. Thanks! ~ Kristin Johnston

Find out what your home value is by filling out the form below. I will be in touch shortly to go over additional information I will need in order to give you an accurate market value report on your Pewaukee lakefront home or condo, your home in Waukesha County, or your property in Milwaukee County in Wisconsin.

Don't Forget...
Whether you are buying or selling a home or condo in Pewaukee or Waukesha, I am here to help you get through the hurdles to make this happen. This is a website I created for you to not only find your dream home here, but also to discover the lifestyle of living in Pewaukee and Waukesha. If you need any help in navigating my website, please contact me at 414-254-6647 or email and I will guide you through the website.

Kristin Johnston Licensed Real Estate Salesperson Wisconsin ~ RE/MAX Platinum, 2725 Hillside Dr Ste C, Delafield, WI 53018